1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190
import unreal as unreal import os as os import copy as copy import collections
class UnrealAssetSrcCtrl(): u"""用于简单处理版本控制, 大规模检入检出时不应当使用此类型""" _provider = unreal.SourceControl.current_provider() _projectContentPath = unreal.Paths.project_content_dir()
def __init__(self, assetPath): self.currentFile = self.ConvertPackagePathToFilePath(assetPath) self.currentProvider = self._provider self.currentFileState = unreal.SourceControl.query_file_state(self.currentFile) self.hasFileCheckOut = False
@staticmethod def ConvertPackagePathToFilePath (inPackagePath) : """Convert '/Game/StarterContent/SomeName.SomeName' to 'Drive:/Project/Content/StarterContent/SomeName.uasset'""" standardPath = unreal.Paths.make_standard_filename(inPackagePath) uAssetPath = os.path.join( *unreal.Paths.split(standardPath)[0:2] ) + ".uasset" fileSysPath = os.path.join(__class__._projectContentPath,uAssetPath.replace("/Game/","")).replace("\\","/") return fileSysPath
def UpdateFile(self): currentFileState = self.currentFileState if (currentFileState.is_valid and currentFileState.is_source_controlled): bRevert = unreal.SourceControl.revert_file(self.currentFile,True) bSync = unreal.SourceControl.sync_file(self.currentFile, True) return (bRevert or bSync)
def CheckOutFile(self): currentFileState = self.currentFileState self.hasFileCheckOut = False if (currentFileState.is_valid and currentFileState.is_source_controlled): if (currentFileState.is_checked_out_other): unreal.log_warning(u"当前文件{}已经被其他人检出(锁定)".format(self.currentFile)) elif (not currentFileState.is_current): unreal.log_warning(u"当前文件{}版本与服务器版本不匹配,尝试更新...".format(self.currentFile)) if not self.UpdateFile(): unreal.log_error(u"当前文件{}无法同步, 请手动操作") else: unreal.SourceControl.check_out_file(self.currentFile, True) self.hasFileCheckOut = True else: unreal.log_warning(u"当前文件{}未找到版本控制状态".format(self.currentFile)) self.hasFileCheckOut = True
class BaseAssetHelper(object): _assetEditorSubsystem = unreal.AssetEditorSubsystem()
@classmethod def GetSelectedAssets(cls): return unreal.EditorUtilityLibrary.get_selected_assets()
@classmethod def CloseEditorForAssetPath(cls, assetName): try: assetObject = unreal.find_asset(assetName) cls._assetEditorSubsystem.close_all_editors_for_asset(assetObject) except Exception as E: unreal.log_error("Can not close asset: {};\nErr: {}".format(assetName, E))
@classmethod def CloseEditorForAssetObject(cls, assetObject): cls._assetEditorSubsystem.close_all_editors_for_asset(assetObject)
class MeshAssetSelectionHelper(BaseAssetHelper):
@classmethod def GetMeshSelections(cls): allSelectedAssets = cls.GetSelectedAssets() validAsset = list() for curAsset in allSelectedAssets: if (isinstance(curAsset, (unreal.StaticMesh, unreal.SkeletalMesh))): validAsset.append(curAsset) return validAsset
class MeshMaterialHelper ():
@classmethod def GetMeshMaterials(cls, pMesh): if isinstance(pMesh, unreal.StaticMesh): targetMaterials = pMesh.static_materials elif isinstance(pMesh, unreal.SkeletalMesh): targetMaterials = pMesh.materials else: return None return targetMaterials
class MeshAssetMaterialCopyTool (MeshMaterialHelper):
@classmethod def CopyMaterialSlotA(cls, pSource, pTarget):
sourceMaterials = cls.GetMeshMaterials(pSource) if not sourceMaterials: return False
targetMaterials = cls.GetMeshMaterials(pSource) if not targetMaterials: return False targetMatLength = targetMaterials.__len__()
raiseMeshTypeException: collections.Callable[[unreal.StreamableRenderAsset],Exception] = \ lambda inMesh: Exception("unsupported mesh type: {}".format(inMesh.get_class().get_name()))
buildSrcMatMapping : collections.Callable[[],dict[unreal.Name, int]] = \ lambda : dict((v,k) for k, v in enumerate(mat.material_slot_name for mat in sourceMaterials))
if isinstance(pTarget, unreal.StaticMesh):
if isinstance(pSource, unreal.StaticMesh): for tarMatId in range(targetMatLength): curTarMatSlotName = targetMaterials[tarMatId].material_slot_name srcMatId = pSource.get_material_index(curTarMatSlotName) srcMatInterface = pSource.get_material(srcMatId) pTarget.set_material(tarMatId, srcMatInterface) elif isinstance(pSource, unreal.SkeletalMesh): srcMatMapping = buildSrcMatMapping() for tarMatId in range(targetMatLength): curTarMatSlotName = targetMaterials[tarMatId].material_slot_name srcMatId = srcMatMapping.get(curTarMatSlotName, 0) if srcMatId: srcMatInterface = sourceMaterials[srcMatId].material_interface pTarget.set_material(tarMatId, srcMatInterface) else : raise raiseMeshTypeException(pSource)
elif isinstance(pTarget, unreal.SkeletalMesh): unreal.log_warning("Cast material into skeletal mesh object, this method may cast fail ... ")
srcMatMapping = buildSrcMatMapping() newTarMatArray = copy.copy(targetMaterials) for tarMatId in range(targetMatLength): curTarMatSlotName = targetMaterials[tarMatId].material_slot_name srcMatId = srcMatMapping.get(curTarMatSlotName, 0) if srcMatId: srcMatInterface = sourceMaterials[srcMatId].material_interface newTarMatArray[tarMatId].material_interface = srcMatInterface pTarget.materials = newTarMatArray else : raise raiseMeshTypeException(pTarget)
return True
def runScript (*args, **kw): unreal.log("Start to process material transforming ...") allMeshSelections = MeshAssetSelectionHelper.GetMeshSelections() if not allMeshSelections: unreal.log_error("{}".format("Have to select two or more mesh asset to start ...")) return srcMesh = allMeshSelections[0] for i in range(1,allMeshSelections.__len__()): currentAsset = allMeshSelections[i] unreal.log_warning("Current Target is : {}".format(currentAsset.get_full_name())) try: MeshAssetSelectionHelper.CloseEditorForAssetObject(currentAsset) UnrealAssetSrcCtrl(currentAsset.get_path_name()).CheckOutFile() MeshAssetMaterialCopyTool.CopyMaterialSlotA(srcMesh, currentAsset) unreal.EditorAssetLibrary.save_loaded_asset(currentAsset) except Exception as E: unreal.log_error("{}".format(E))
if __name__ == "__main__": runScript()